However, any person eligible to legally possess firearms may openly carry unloaded firearms that are not cased specifically "When going to or from the person's private residence or vehicle or a vehicle in which the person is riding as a passenger to a place designated or authorized for firearms repairs or reconditioning, or for firearms trade, sale, or barter, or gunsmith, or hunting animals or fowl, or hunter safety course, or target shooting, or skeet or trap shooting or any recognized firearms activity or event and while in such places". Only under these circumstances may individuals carry unloaded firearms publicly that are not cased.
Generally, when carrying firearms in a motor vehicle, (when traveling on public land or roads) they must be out of reach of the driver, unloaded, and cased. Persons possessing a handgun carry license may carry a loaded handgun inside their vehicle on their person, just as they are permitted to do so on foot. Persons possessing a handgun carry license may transport a loaded handgun in a motor vehicle under their control, and store a loaded handgun in a locked, secure, motor vehicle. They may also transport loaded magazines for both handguns and long guns, however, they cannot legally transport loaded long guns. Firearms being improperly transported in any way may be immediately confiscated by police without compensation.
Carry on Private Property
Open or concealed carry of a firearm on privately owned land or inside a residence (such as a backyard, in your own home, or a large farm) is legal for persons 18 years and older who can legally possess firearms, and no permit is required. However, if a disturbance is caused, such carry could be construed as Disturbing the peace by law enforcement. Additionally, brandishing a firearm without good, legal cause (such as self defense, defense of another, or lawful defense of property) is illegal. Carrying a firearm on private property generally requires the consent/permission of the property owner.
Prohibited Places and Authorized Persons
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Sabtu, 30 November 2013
carry weapons permit or license issued in another state
Carrying a firearm in public, loaded or unloaded, without a permit is generally illegal and a misdemeanor under state law. Penalties for a first time offense are a maximum of 30 days in jail, confiscation of the firearm(s) illegally carried, and a $250 fine. Repeat offenses may be punished by up to 90 days in jail, with an increased fine.
Handgun Carry Reciprocity
Oklahoma recognizes and legally respects all and any out of state handgun carry permits, even if the issuing state does not recognize an Oklahoma carry permit.
Oklahoma §21-1290.26. reads "The State of Oklahoma hereby recognizes any valid concealed or unconcealed carry weapons permit or license issued by another state. Any person entering this state in possession of a firearm authorized for concealed or unconcealed carry upon the authority and license of another state is authorized to continue to carry a concealed or unconcealed firearm and license in this state; provided the license from the other state remains valid. The firearm must either be carried unconcealed and in plain view or fully concealed from detection and view, and upon coming in contact with any peace officer of this state, the person must disclose the fact that he or she is in possession of a concealed or unconcealed firearm pursuant to a valid concealed or unconcealed carry weapons permit or license issued in another state."
Transporting Firearms
Individuals with hunting licenses may open carry loaded long arms and handguns when hunting during hunting season. Outside of this and a few other limited exceptions, Open Carry of handguns in a public setting requires a valid carry permit. Carry of unloaded, cased firearms without a permit is allowed while on foot, just as it is allowed while traveling in a vehicle. Firearms that are not handguns, (long arms) carried by pedestrians generally must be both completely unloaded and cased.
Handgun Carry Reciprocity
Oklahoma recognizes and legally respects all and any out of state handgun carry permits, even if the issuing state does not recognize an Oklahoma carry permit.
Oklahoma §21-1290.26. reads "The State of Oklahoma hereby recognizes any valid concealed or unconcealed carry weapons permit or license issued by another state. Any person entering this state in possession of a firearm authorized for concealed or unconcealed carry upon the authority and license of another state is authorized to continue to carry a concealed or unconcealed firearm and license in this state; provided the license from the other state remains valid. The firearm must either be carried unconcealed and in plain view or fully concealed from detection and view, and upon coming in contact with any peace officer of this state, the person must disclose the fact that he or she is in possession of a concealed or unconcealed firearm pursuant to a valid concealed or unconcealed carry weapons permit or license issued in another state."
Transporting Firearms
Individuals with hunting licenses may open carry loaded long arms and handguns when hunting during hunting season. Outside of this and a few other limited exceptions, Open Carry of handguns in a public setting requires a valid carry permit. Carry of unloaded, cased firearms without a permit is allowed while on foot, just as it is allowed while traveling in a vehicle. Firearms that are not handguns, (long arms) carried by pedestrians generally must be both completely unloaded and cased.
Individuals possessing handgun carry permits may
Owning or possessing a short-barreled shotgun or rifle is illegal and a felony under state law, unless the short barreled firearm is registered under the National Firearms Act. Owning or possessing a fully automatic firearm is not illegal under state law, but is still illegal under federal law unless the automatic firearm is registered under the National Firearms Act. Local and State authorities are not obligated to enforce federal firearms law or notify federal authorities of federal firearms law violations, however they may, or may not, choose to do so.
Carrying Firearms in Public
Carrying a handgun in public circumstances or on public land requires a valid handgun carry permit, issued by the Oklahoma State Bureau of Investigation. Individuals must pass an extensive background check, meet certain requirements, be at least 21 years of age, and pass a firearms handling and safety course to be issued a permit.[4]
Restrictions on Carrying Handguns
Individuals possessing handgun carry permits may not carry handguns firearms of greater than .45 caliber. Individuals with handgun carry permits may not carry in an establishment whose primary purpose is the serving of alcoholic beverages. Handgun carry permit holders may not consume alcoholic beverages while carrying. Doing so will result in revocation of carry permit and possible criminal charges. Carry with permit is allowed in an establishment that serves alcoholic beverages, (such as a restaurant that serves alcoholic beverages) as long as that is not the primary purpose of said establishment. Handgun carry permit holders cannot carry into any sports arena during a professional sporting event, in an area or building where pari-mutuel wagering is authorized (such as a casino), cannot carry in schools nor in any government building.
Handgun carry permit holders must have their license on their person while they are carrying.
Penalties for Carrying Without Permit
Carrying Firearms in Public
Carrying a handgun in public circumstances or on public land requires a valid handgun carry permit, issued by the Oklahoma State Bureau of Investigation. Individuals must pass an extensive background check, meet certain requirements, be at least 21 years of age, and pass a firearms handling and safety course to be issued a permit.[4]
Restrictions on Carrying Handguns
Individuals possessing handgun carry permits may not carry handguns firearms of greater than .45 caliber. Individuals with handgun carry permits may not carry in an establishment whose primary purpose is the serving of alcoholic beverages. Handgun carry permit holders may not consume alcoholic beverages while carrying. Doing so will result in revocation of carry permit and possible criminal charges. Carry with permit is allowed in an establishment that serves alcoholic beverages, (such as a restaurant that serves alcoholic beverages) as long as that is not the primary purpose of said establishment. Handgun carry permit holders cannot carry into any sports arena during a professional sporting event, in an area or building where pari-mutuel wagering is authorized (such as a casino), cannot carry in schools nor in any government building.
Handgun carry permit holders must have their license on their person while they are carrying.
Penalties for Carrying Without Permit
Rabu, 20 November 2013
The Outdoor Recreation party was formed
The main parties, Labour and National, generally treat gun control as a bi-partisan issue. Both support the passage of the Arms Amendment (No. 3) Bill[citation needed].
The ACT[citation needed] and Libertarianz parties advocate the ownership of guns for self-defence.[14]
The Outdoor Recreation party was formed in 2001 to support hunting and sport fishing. It failed to gain any seats in 2002, and again in 2005, when, with the United Future party, it contested the election.
The Progressive Party and Green Party both support an increase in legislative restrictions on public access to firearms.[15][16]
The New Zealand First Party supports the right of New Zealanders to own and use firearms safely and responsibly for hunting, sport, pest control, target shooting, and other lawful purposes. The Party does not support calls for universal gun registration, preferring the licencing of individual users. New Zealand First believes restrictions on firearms ownership by type should be dictated by functionality rather than appearance.
Private Sales
The ACT[citation needed] and Libertarianz parties advocate the ownership of guns for self-defence.[14]
The Outdoor Recreation party was formed in 2001 to support hunting and sport fishing. It failed to gain any seats in 2002, and again in 2005, when, with the United Future party, it contested the election.
The Progressive Party and Green Party both support an increase in legislative restrictions on public access to firearms.[15][16]
The New Zealand First Party supports the right of New Zealanders to own and use firearms safely and responsibly for hunting, sport, pest control, target shooting, and other lawful purposes. The Party does not support calls for universal gun registration, preferring the licencing of individual users. New Zealand First believes restrictions on firearms ownership by type should be dictated by functionality rather than appearance.
Private Sales
Selasa, 10 September 2013
person may buy or own under state law
In Oklahoma (under state law), private sales of firearms are legal. However, knowingly selling a firearm to a person who cannot legally purchase or possess the firearm (such as a convicted felon, minor, or drug addict) is illegal, and punishable by up to 180 days in jail. Under state law, you must be 18 to buy a firearm of any type (handguns or long guns) from a private seller.
Prohibited Persons
Felons, mentally ill persons, drug addicts, and certain juvenile offenders are prohibited from buying or owning firearms. You must be 18 years of age to possess or own firearms, with a few exceptions for special circumstances. When purchasing a firearm from a dealer, you must complete a federal background check. This process (passing the background check) usually only takes a few minutes, but the government has up to three days to complete the background check. After three days, the dealer has the right to proceed or deny the transfer. There is no limit to the number of firearms that a person may buy or own under state law.
Minors and Firearms
Minors may own firearms that are given to them by their parents, relatives, or legal guardians. However, they may not generally possess firearms unsupervised until they are 18 years of age. There are exceptions to this rule, such as when a minor possessing a hunting license (and having passed a hunter's safety course) is hunting, possession of firearm(s) on certain types of private property, and possession of firearm(s) in one's own home.
NFA Firearms
Prohibited Persons
Felons, mentally ill persons, drug addicts, and certain juvenile offenders are prohibited from buying or owning firearms. You must be 18 years of age to possess or own firearms, with a few exceptions for special circumstances. When purchasing a firearm from a dealer, you must complete a federal background check. This process (passing the background check) usually only takes a few minutes, but the government has up to three days to complete the background check. After three days, the dealer has the right to proceed or deny the transfer. There is no limit to the number of firearms that a person may buy or own under state law.
Minors and Firearms
Minors may own firearms that are given to them by their parents, relatives, or legal guardians. However, they may not generally possess firearms unsupervised until they are 18 years of age. There are exceptions to this rule, such as when a minor possessing a hunting license (and having passed a hunter's safety course) is hunting, possession of firearm(s) on certain types of private property, and possession of firearm(s) in one's own home.
NFA Firearms
Minggu, 03 Maret 2013
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There is nothing more deadly to a big bass lurking under its weedy, brushy lair, than a Weedless Jitterbug plopping its way across the surface overhead.
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Jitterbug 5/8 Ounce [G650-0?] - $5.79 : Waldron's Outdoor Sports ...
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Bass Fishing at Night with the Arbogast Jitterbug
Jitterbugs at Night By Russ Bassdozer. Everyone loves to Jitterbug! The Arbogast Jitterbug has been around for over fifty years, and it is still going strong.
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Sabtu, 02 Maret 2013
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